Ilion Animation Studios, based in Madrid, was founded by the Perez Dolset brothers in 2002 to create state-of-the-art computer animated movies for worldwide theatrical release. The studio uses purpose-built cutting-edge technology to achieve a unique visual animation experience. Ilion’s first CGI animation feature was Planet 51, released globally in 2009. This feature length film represents the collaboration of 350 highly talented and experienced artists, program developers, high-tech engineers and other skilled professionals from over 20 countries. In line with the multi-cultural offering at Ilion, today the studio is a proud partner of U-tad, the first official pan-European university focused purely on the world of digital arts and technology. Today Ilion has evolved into a multi-production studio, aiming to produce various feature films concurrently in order to cope with the growing worldwide demand for top quality digital content. Ilion creates and produces its own intellectual property. It might collaborate occasionally with its best partners in specific third party productions.